Review #2
Intro - for a 6:51 track, I usually expect the intro to be fairly decent. What you had would have probably sufficed for a shorter track, but not for a track of this length. More buildup, more bang to keep the listener interested in the rest of the piece.
0:56 - I really like how the flute comes in here. However, I think the chord progression is a bit...strange. I can see how it's going in one direction, but at the same time it seems to be wandering around. Not too big of an issue though
3:00 - the part that starts here does get repetitive after a while. I feel like you could have easily added another instrument or had more percussion patterns here. Fortunately, you did now stay on this part for too long.
Conclusion - I always enjoy a good piano conclusion. However, I don't think you should have gone full piano in this case, simply because it is a video game track. Maybe some leads fading in an out of the background would have added nicely. The melody, though, was excellent.
Overall, good job, surprisingly varied for a 7 minute track, just a couple of pointers.