It's pretty unique as far as pop songs go. It has the feeling of longing mixed with confusion, with a touch of craziness. Just a couple pointers here.
-Static: That static noise that's playing in the background doesn't really fit with the rest of the song. I don't really think it adds to the overall feeling of the song significantly. It's kinda just...there. I think it should just be removed outright, or maybe low pass filtered so that it isn't *too* noticeable.
-Chord progression: The progression itself is very well done. The only problem is that it's the *only* chord progression that you use in the entire song. Combined with the relatively static melodies, this causes the song to sound repetitive, even after a short time.
-Percussion: Here's an area that you clearly are skilled in. The percussion is the best part of this track, hands down. However, even then I think you could have added much more variation to the beats, as not to make the track sound like a 10 second loop played over and over again.
-Melodies: The melody that you used is well written, and indeed reminiscent of the Beatles music. again, you just needed to vary them a bit, maybe throw in a new melody when the percussion cuts out near the middle.
Overall: Just needs more variation. Great work!